Master Software Development: Online CS Degrees&Essential Skills

Image sourced from Pexels Notice: This article written by guest author. The need for skilled software developers is rising as technology rapidly evolves across various industries. To remain competiti...

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#onlinedegrees #programing #languages

Last Posts

Highlights for ASP.NET Core & Entity Framework Core features shipped with .NET 8.0

As Volosoft, we are passionate about the technology and tools we work on. Since our open-source and commercial developer platforms are based on Microsoft's .NET technology, we are closely following t...

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aspnetcore entity-framework

Impressions of .NET Developer Days 2023 Conference

In my previous post, I wrote my impressions about NDC Porto 2023 conference. And this time, we wanted to attend one of the most popular .NET conferences in Europe 👉 .NET Developer Days. I've been a...

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conference dotnet developer days

NDC Porto 2023 Impressions

NDC Porto 2023 Impressions We, as the core team members of ABP, are always trying to catch what's going around the world with software development. This keeps us aligning our projects and goals with ...

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conference ndc

Devnot Developer Summit 2023 Recap

Hello, everyone! Let's dive straight into the highlights of Saturday’s Devnot Developer Summit 2023, which took place on October 7th in Istanbul, Turkey. The event was a domestic gathering of industr...

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BASTA! Mainz 2023: What a Blast in Germany!

BASTA! Mainz 2023 has wrapped up, and what an extraordinary journey it has been! We can’t wait to share our impressions, highlights, and the incredible impact it had on the tech community in Germany ...

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Reflecting on Devnot Dotnet Conference 2023

On June 1st, we attended to Devnot Dotnet Conference 2023 that took place in Istanbul, Dedeman Hotel & Convention Centre. As one of the gold sponsors, we wanted to take a moment to express our d...

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conference dotnet volosoft devnot abp platform

Meet Volosoft at the Devnot .NET Conference 2023!

Hi, everyone! 👋 Join us at the Devnot Dotnet Conference 2023 on Thursday, June 1st in Istanbul! We are thrilled to announce that Volosoft Company will be proudly attending as one of the Gold Sponsor...

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#volosoft #devnot #dotnet #conference #abpio #aspnetzero

NDC London 2023 - Sponsored for the 4th time

Recap & Impressions🌟 Last week, we were just back from NDC {London} after had a blast at Queen Elizabeth II Centre in the center of Westminster, London, UK, with holding a stand on Level 3 durin...

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Highlights for ASP.NET Core & Entity Framework Core features shipped with .NET 7.0

As Volosoft, we are passionate about technology and tools we work on. Since our open source and commercial developer platforms are based on Microsoft's .NET technology, we are closely following the ....

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aspnetcore entity-framework

UI Framework Popularity — 2022

Nowadays, UI Frameworks became very important and we, developers specialize on specific UI frameworks. Many development team prefers a UI framework where they feel comfortable. This decision is being...

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We are eating our own dog food!

What is dogfooding? It sounds weird when you hear this term first time! Let's explain what "Dog Fooding" is. Wikipedia explains it with these words; Eating your own dog food or "dogfo...

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abp volosoft dogfooding

All about .NET MAUI

.NET MAUI In this article I’ll tell about .NET MAUI the new generation of Xamarin. What’s .NET MAUI? .NET MAUI (.NET Multi-platform App UI) is a framework for building modern, multi-platform, native...

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net maui

ABP Framework at .NET Community Standup!

Volosoft's co-founder Halil İbrahim Kalkan attended to .Net Community Standup. He presented ABP Framework and also explain some coming features with ABP 5.0. Click here to watch the show!

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abp aspnetcore

Volosoft Announces the .NET Foundation Sponsorship

We are proud of being a corporate sponsor of the .NET Foundation today! At Volosoft, we always think of open-source first. Volosoft has been established based on an open-source project, ASP.NET Boile...

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dotnet volosoft

Introducing the Lepton Theme Next Generation!

We are delighted and proud to announce that the next generation of Lepton Theme which will be referred to as LeptonX is on the way. At Volosoft, we care about developer experience as much as user exp...

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Lepton Theme LeptonX LeptonX-Lite

How to Configure Angular Modules Loaded by the Router

Photo by yinka adeoti on Unsplash ABP Framework Angular UI has some built-in modules, each of which is a separate npm package. Every package has an exported module that can be loaded by the router. W...

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angular module factory router configuration forRoot options

We were partner of “.NET Conf 2020 China”

We’re pleased to be a community partner of China’s .NET Conf 2020 which was organized jointly by many .NET communities in China. The conference was held in Suzhou, China and online (due to pandemic s...

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Conference ABP

ASP.NET CORE 3.1 Social Login and Multi-Tenancy

We recently added multi-tenancy support to the social login system in our ASP.NET Zero project. ASP.NET Zero supports Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, OpenId Connect and WsFederation login optio...

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ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Zero Multi-Tenancy Social Login

File Upload/Download with BLOB Storage System in ASP.NET Core & ABP Framework

Introduction This step-by-step article describes how to upload a file to a Web server and also download by client with using ASP.NET Core & ABP Framework. By following this article, you will crea...

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file upload blob storage core

Extracting and Hashing Lazy-Loaded CSS in Angular

There is no doubt that we all want our applications to load very fast. To do this, we need to keep the initial bundle size small. Lazy loading is one of the methods we use in this case. We can lazy l...

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Angular ABP Framework TypeScript Webpack Lazy Loading Lepton Theme

What is New in Angular 10?

The new version, v10, of Angular has been published only hours ago and announced by this blog post. Although it may not appear as impactful as v9 (with Ivy and all), this release displays Angular tea...

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typescript release features version news breaking changes migration angular 10

ASP.NET Zero Awarded As One of the Best 5 Application Development Tools by GetApp

We are very pleased to announce that GetApp has named ASP.NET Zero as one of the best in the Application Development Tools category.   The ranking showcases the leading 5 apps based on factors such a...

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ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Zero GetApp Award App Development

Real-Time Messaging In A Distributed Architecture Using ABP, SignalR & RabbitMQ

In this article, we will build a basic real-time messaging application in a distributed architecture. We will use Abp Framework for infrastructure and tiered startup template, SignalR for real-time s...

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ASP.NET Core RabbitMq SignalR ABP Framework

How to Use Attribute Directives to Avoid Repetition in Angular Templates

Photo by Lucian Alexe on Unsplash Lately, we have started working on v3.0 of ABP Framework and our ultimate goal as the frontend team is to introduce solutions that improve developer experience. In t...

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typescript angular javascript attribute directive default properties component adapter abp framework

ASP.NET Core 3.1 Webhook Implementation Using Pub/Sub

In this article, I will show you the basics of the Webhook mechanism that uses a publish-subscribe pattern in the ASP.NET CORE 3.1 project. What is Webhook Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks. T...

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ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Boilerplate .NET Core Webhook

Using Azure Key Vault with ASP.NET Core

Azure Key Vault is a cloud service that provides a secure store for secrets. You can securely store keys, passwords, certificates, and other secrets. For more information about Azure Key Vault, pleas...

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ASP.NET Core Azure

Why You Should Prefer Singleton Pattern over a Static Class?

Introduction After a long while, I had to create a singleton service while I'm developing a feature for the ABP Framework. Then I decided to write an article about that: Why and how we should use the...

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singleton best-practices design-patterns

Strategy Pattern Implementation with Typescript and Angular

Design patterns are proven, practical, and reusable solutions fit for tackling specific problems in software development. They not only help us avoid pitfalls in organizing our applications, but also...

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design pattern typescript strategy pattern strategy design pattern angular javascript abp framework

Running ASP.NET Core Web App on IIS Express from Command Line

I usually run the Web projects from Visual Studio. But it was required to run an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web project from the Command Line on IIS Express At first I thought it was easy! But I stumbled in so...

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We have moved to a new office! Volosoft keeps growing.

Over the past year, Volosoft has undergone many changes! After months of preparation and some hard work, we moved to our new office towards the end of 2019. We have moved a bit far away and our physi...

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Recap: NDC {London} 2020 Software Developers Conference

Last week, we were at NDC {London} and had our booth at the 3-day conference to talk about the ABP.IO platform. We were proud to be a partner of the conference, and being on the same page with other ...

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ASP.NET Core Angular Refresh Token Implementation

In this article, I will show you how to integrate the refresh token mechanism to the ASP.NET Zero project. We use Angular HttpInterceptor to handle requests. And I will implement how to use refresh t...

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ASP.NET Core Angular ASP.NET Zero ASP.NET Boilerplate

We were platinum sponsor of Techorama 2019!

Last week we were in the Netherlands to participate in Techorama 2019 Conference. Techorama is an international software development conference which takes place in Ede. It was a quite big organizati...

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Using Health-Checks in ASP.NET Boilerplate

In this article, I will integrate ASP.NET health check to the ASP.NET Boilerplate project. What is ASP.NET Health Check ASP.NET Core offers Health Check Middleware and libraries for reporting the hea...

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ASP.NET Boilerplate

Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB

In this article, I will try to give a brief information about Azure Cosmos DB and introduce common concepts of Azure Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB is getting very popular and Entity Framework Core is go...

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ASP.NET Core C# Azure Entity Framework Core

Convert HTML & Export to PDF using DinkToPdf

In this tutorial, we will implement a PDF exporter functionality. We will use open source DinkToPdf library to convert HTML to PDF. Using DinkToPdf Library First, we install DinkToPdf package to .app...

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ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Boilerplate

Building GraphQL APIs with ASP.NET Core

Building and consuming GraphQL in your .NET application GraphQL is a single API face for different clients like mobile, desktop apps, tablets… It’s built by Facebook. It’s not a magical library that...

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ASP.NET Core GraphQL

Impressions of NDC London 2019

Event date: 29 January — 01 February 2019 Location: QEII Centre / London Last week we exhibited at NDC London 2019 and had such a fantastic time. 105 speakers, 36 different technologies and 111 talks...

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Open API Analyzers & Conventions

Problem Let’s start with an example to understand problem. Check the following code: API method that can be returned 404 that is not documented Above API is looking in swagger-ui like following:...

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Migrating from ASP.NET MVC 5.x to ASP.NET Core

Introduction We have recently moved our ASP.NET ZERO solution from ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3 to ASP.NET Core 1.0. In this post, I will share my experiences and explain mechanics of this migration in brief. N...

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Designing Modularity on ASP.NET Core: Virtual File System

Introduction Creating a modular application is hard. Building a modular User Interface is even harder. You need to separately develop module pages, components but make them integrated and working tog...

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AspNet Core Dependency Injection Best Practices & Tips

In this article, I will share my experiences and suggestions on using Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core applications. The motivation behind these principles are; Effectively designing services an...

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Impressions of SDD Conference 2018

Event date: 14th — 18th May 2018 Location: Barbican Centre | LONDON The Software Design & Developer (SDD) Conference is one of the famous developer conferences, held at the Barbican Centre in Lon...

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HTML Web Accessibility Tips

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, develope...

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Migrating From packages.config to the New CSPROJ Format

Recently I updated all packages in my Xamarin project. And suddenly the project stopped building. So I read a bunch of docs on internet. And see that Xamarin has switched to the new *.csproj format. ...

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Visual Studio .NET Core

Deleting All BIN & OBJ Folders in a Visual Studio Solution

Sometimes it turns out that we have to delete all bin and obj folders recursively in a Visual Studio solution . There’s a built-in Visual Studio feature called Clean Solution but it doesn’t delete th...

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Visual Studio DevOps

Running Angular Project by Right Clicking to the Folder

It’s a quick tip that saves you to write “npm start” , every time you want to run your Angular project. So I created a Regedit entry that adds a new menu to the Windows context menu. When you right c...

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Running Penetration Tests for your Website with OWASP ZAP

Securing a web application is crucial these days. When it comes to web developers, fixing the vulnerabilities should start from the first floor; from the developer himself. You, as a simple developer...

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Building a Simple Angular Universal Application: Hero Shop

In this article, I will try to show you how to integrate Angular Universal to ASP.NET Boilerplate’s ASP.NET Core & Angular template (

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ASP.NET Core Angular ASP.NET Boilerplate

What’s New in ASP.NET Boilerplate v3.4

ASP.NET Boilerplate v3.4 has just been released (see change logs). In this article, I will highlight some new features and changes. We were in NDC London 2018 Conference as a partner Entity Histor...

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ASP.NET Boilerplate

NDC London 2018 Impressions

It was an exciting experience for us to be a partner in NDC London 2018 Conference. We had an amazing week in London. About 700 software related attendees from all around the world met together. NDC ...

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DevExtreme ASP.NET Zero Integration

In this article, I will explain how to use DevExtreme components into ASP.NET Zero based applications. I won’t explain details about how to configure and run ASP.NET Zero. There is already detailed e...

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Challenges of Developing a Xamarin Application 2018

I’ve been developing Asp.Net Zero and Asp.Net Boilerplate web frameworks. Recently we added a Xamarin project integrated to Asp.Net Zero backend. I am sharing my experiences with this article. Xamari...

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ASP.NET Zero Now Has A Mobile Application!

We are proud to release ASP.NET Zero v5.0 with significiant improvements and exciting new features. For those who don’t know what is ASP.NET Zero: ASP.NET Zero is a well-architected Visual Studio so...

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Docker Web Farm: Redis, Ha-proxy and AspNet Core Web API

In this article, I will show how to create a web farm on docker with using redis and haproxy, step by step. In this sample, there will be a web api project as a web server apps (.net core framework) ...

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ASP.NET Boilerplate; Starting Point for New Modern Web Applications

What is an application framework? An application framework make writing applications easier. To explain in detail, the framework takes all the complexities of interfacing with the different environme...

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ASP.NET Boilerplate

ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection

In this article, I won’t explain what is dependency injection (DI). I will try to explain how DI in ASP.NET Core works what can we do with it and how we can use other DI containers (Autofac and Castl...

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